Landlord Warning: Do You Know What's Happening To Your Rented Property?
A free service from the land registry could help you (or an innocent buyer) avoid being defrauded.
All the latest news and gossip relating to property rental and sales, read it with your morning coffee to stay on top of legislation changes, market events and great offers.
A free service from the land registry could help you (or an innocent buyer) avoid being defrauded.
The Housing and Planning Act 2016 has finally been published. This has taken some time due to the late amendments to the legislation and the tortured process of Parliamentary ping-pong between the Lords and the Commons.
Rent controls have been tried in the past and are being proposed again by the Labour Party. This article discusses their effect.
On 6th April 2015, capital gains tax rules for landlords changed. Read this article to find out if those changes affected you.
What the new Deregulation Act means for the serving of Section 21 notices on your tenants.
One of the provisions in the new Deregulation overturned the appeal judge's decision in the infamous Superstrike v Rodrigues case that deemed a new tenancy was created when a written tenancy expired and required the reprotection of the deposit.