Advertise on Rightmove lists millions of Property for sale from across the UK and ranks as one of the most popular online web portals. For example over 1.2 million properties were listed on Rightmove in the last 12 months. It is the most dominant and influential tool a vendor can use today to advertise their property for sale. Rightmove is the most visited property website in the UK, having around 800 million page views a month, which is a simply astonishing figure.
So are you thinking of advertising your property for sale on Rightmove? You can’t do it – you’re required to sell your property via an online estate agent or a local high street estate agent in order to get your property marketed for sale on Rightmove . Rightmove do not permit private sellers to advertise directly, neither do they allow private house sales websites to advertise property for sale on Rightmove directly (such as My Online Estate Agent, Tepilo, The Little House Company, Houseweb or Houseladder).
So apart from benefiting from Rightmove‘s extensive exposure that your property will get by advertising on it (plus the all the other top UK property websites via an estate agent), and the quality of your property advert itself, what other benefits are there to selling your property with an estate agent rather than selling it privately?
The answer is ‘not a lot’ really. They will arrange viewings, but because accompanying a viewing costs them time and money they will often make excuses not to turn up, leaving you to show the interested prospect around. When they do come, they often don’t know a great deal about the property and do little more than open the door and say ‘This is the kitchen…’, ‘This is the lounge….’ etc.
They can arrange conveyancing and a mortgage, but in today’s world this is as simple as browsing a website or picking up a phone.
And for the meagre amount of work they do, estate agents come at a HIGH cost, charging on average 1.8% (around about £4300 based on the UK average house price) to sell a property, and quite frankly their fees are unreasonable. The alternative is to use a low cost online estate agent like as Visum-Sales online estate agent that has national coverage on Rightmove and carries out all of the above for a much cheaper estate agents fee of just £75.00 + vat (including our legal requirement verify your identity and property ownership status, setting up the advert and sending to the various portals, and the first 4 weeks advertising included), and then £29 plus VAT for any subsequent 4 week periods of advertising needed.
So if you are a switched on person you will be acutely aware of the saving potential – if you price your propery right you could sell it for £75, and even if it takes a few months to sell you will have only spent a couple of hundred pounds. Our charges are a flat rate reflecting our costs and work involved in creating and maintaining the ad, dealing with enquiries etc, which are roughly the same for every property regardless of its size or price. So the more expensive your property is, the greater your saving compared to using a high street agent will be.